Terms and Conditions


Listings are accepted only if you meet our submission criteria. You must log in once a year 21 days before your listing expires to renew your listing. Paid for advertising lasts for 1 year. Prices vary depending on area and current popularity.


Listings are ranked in order of hits to the detail view of the advert to ensure that all listings get an equal amount of page views and are posted once the details have been checked We reserve the right to refuse any listing or advert. We prefer you to place a link to us on your links page or homepage. Listings are free until we reach 500 listings. We prefer you to place a link to us on your links page or homepage. Featured listings appear on each page of your area and are listed on a first come first served basis. Your site can be listed for a yearly fee of £25 once we have reached 500 listings.


None of the suppliers listed on this site is endorsed by findaweddingsupplier the individual wedding venue sites are merely listed here for your convenience. If you are thinking of booking a wedding supplier for your wedding make sure you get a signed contract.


Advertising is non-refundable. We reserve the right to refuse any submissions or remove any listings without further notice if we deem the content unsuitable.

Find a Wedding Supplier has no control over the content or security of any of the sites listed in our wedding directory and we are therefore unable to guarantee the accuracy or security of the information they contain. Whilst we have found from our own usage that the sites represent a valuable resource for persons interested in finding a Wedding Supplier, we cannot accept liability for any loss or damage that might arise from your use of these sites.

It is up to the business owner to ensure that the map details, address and postcode are correct. If you feel that your business has been submitted by a third party and the information is incorrect then please contact a site admin ASAP and we will amend or remove the listing.

It is the responsibility of the person submitting the listing to ensure that they have the correct permissions from the copyright holder to use their images, music or logos on a website. We will remove any listing displaying copyrighted material without notice and ban the user from the site.

GFNetwork supports photographers, musicians and artists rights in regard to copyright. By agreeing to our terms and conditions you are confirming that you have the permission of the copyright holder to use their material on this site.

GDPR Compliance: You can see all the data we hold about you and your account by logging in and visiting this page: GDPR
Passwords are encrypted on this site If you have forgotten the password or email address you used to sign up then try the account reset page or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can request deletion of your account on the GDPR page or via email. All payments are handled by PayPal and we never request your card details or bank information. 

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